Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) is located within the College of Horticulture and Forestry, the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) offers undergraduate and graduate programs of study with well educated and trained faculty. Two years M. Sc. is formulated for developing competent Post-Harvest Management (PHM) professionals for whom significant job opportunities exist in this country. Post harvest management program is mainly obliges students to read original publications and envisages significant inputs in laboratory work, communication skill, creativity, planning, execution and critical evaluation of the studies undertaken.
Post harvest management programme gives common basic knowledge (reduction of losses in handling, packaging, transportation and storage with modern infrastructure machinery of different food products, processing into a wide variety of products, home scale preservation with low cost technology) during this course. Post-Harvest Management (PHM) has potential to create rural industries, employment generation and start-up opportunity to the youth. The farmer whose role has been reduced to producer can be transformed into producer cum processor and thus getting more dividends for hard labour, input, kind of risk taken and generating resource for socio-economic advancement keeping pace with the modern times. Presently the department is offering specialization in post harvest management of horticultural produce, processing and value addition of fruits and vegetables.
Prepared different value added food products under the course ELH-413
Standardized technology for the development of osmo-dried low calorie candies
Practical demonstration to farmers on pulping of mango fruit
To provide technical trainings, consultancy and incubational facilities to the budding entrepreneurs and food processing stakeholders. Connect with the maximum possible stakeholders through extensional and similar activities to make them knowledgeable about the developed technologies
World food day celebration with farmers and students at Neri Campus