Department of Forest Products Nauni,Solan (HP)

Forest Products including medicinal and aromatic plants have emerged as an important resources not only from the point of view of economic contribution to the society, but also call our attention for their conservation and sustainable use. Such resources are now being considered at national/ international level almost at par with the importance of major forest based products like timber etc. As resource assessment, evaluation and utilization of such forest products are basic to their sustainable use, the department of Forest products was created in 1988 to cater to the needs of research and human resources development. Since the issues involved are multidisciplinary an integrated approach encompassing forestry, botany, chemistry, agronomy, breeding, wood science etc. is being followed.

The department is carrying out teaching, research and extension activities and has undertaken various research projects/schemes. Extension training programmes covering various aspects of medicinal and aromatic plants are also organized for farmers, entrepreneurs, NGOs, Mahila Mandals, Subject Matter Specialists from Department of Agriculture/Horticulture, Officers/Officials of State Forest Department, Ayurvedic Medical Officers, etc. Quality planting material in medicinal and aromatic plant is being produced to meet the demands of the growers/industry. The department is also actively engaged in Survey, identification, inventorisation and documentation of traditional knowledge on medicinal and aromatic plants. Genuine and quality planting material of medicinal and aromatic plant is being regularly supplied to growers, industry etc. Documentation of herbal wealth and its traditional usage is other useful activity that is being emphasized.


  • Development of propagation protocols for commercial Non Timber Forest Product and Medicinal and Aromatic Plants
  • Chemical analysis of important NTFP/medicinal and aromatic plants
  • Evaluation of wood characteristics of lesser known wood species


  • Herbarium processing unit/Museum containing database of different flora of the state with identification facility for medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • Research Farms, Botanical Garden-cum-Arboretum including Herbal Garden, farm at Shilly and Majhgaon for research, display and demonstration of cultivation techniques of important MAP species.
  • Analytical laboratory facility for quantification of different compounds using High Performance Liquid Chromatography and UV-vis spectrophotometry. and Agri-incubation center for drying, processing and value addition of high value forest produce.
  • Laboratory facilities for preparation of active content enriched extracts of different medicinal and aromatic plants.
  • Wood workshop well equipped with Hot and Cold Press, Wood chipper cum Grinder, Microtome, Vacuum oven, Strength Testing Machine (UTN-10) Muffle furnace, Weighing machine, Microscope with CC TV attachment etc.


The department offers degree programmes for
  • M.Sc. (Forestry) (Forest Products & Utilization)
  • Ph.D. (Forestry) (Forest Products & Utilization)


  • Two Ph.D. students Mohit Shukla and Shivani qualified UGC NET and one Ph.D. student Abhishek Sharma has qualified ICAR Net since 2019.
  • Two Ph.D. students Raveena Thakur and Sunandini were awarded DST inspire fellowship and one M.Sc. student Sufiya Shabir was awarded ICAR-NTS, PG fellowship.
  • Dr Bhupender Dutt Professor in the Deptartment was nominated by the University to visit Lakehead University Canada from 11th to 25th March, 2023.
  • Dr Rohit Sharma Assistant Professor in the department was awarded SERB-SIRE Fellowship (SERB, DST, 2022).
  • More than 100 alumni of the Department are serving in Central and State Universities, State Forest Departments, National and Private Banks and MNC’s.


Thrust Areas

  • Germplasm collection, characterization, evaluation, development and selection of superior genotypes of medicinal and aromatic plants for improved yield and quality parameters.
  • Development of agro-techniques and chemical extraction techniques for medicinal and aromatic plants
  • Ex-situ conservation, domestication and multiplication of endangered species of medicinal and aromatic plants of Himachal Pradesh.
  • Evaluation of physico-chemical and mechanical properties of wood species.
  • Evaluation of wood characteristics of lesser known wood species.
  • ICAR- All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants, Betelvine.
  • ICAR- Network Project on Harvesting, Processing and Value Addition of Natural Resins and Gums.
  • Promotion and post-harvest value addition of four important herbs for improvement of livelihood security in cold desert areas of Himachal Pradesh funded by DST,GOI (2021 to 2023).
  • Promoting Conservation of Declining Life Support Forest Trees Species in H.P.”Jointly with IHBT, Palampur/State Forest Deptt. HP) funded by NMHS, GB Pant National Institute of Himalayan Environment and Sustainable Development, Almora, Uttrakhand (2021 to 2024).
  • Establishment of Forestry Herbarium- Preserved genetic resources of Medicinal & Aromatic plants of H.P. funded by state Government.
  • Stable morphotypes conforming to DUS criteria have been developed & registered with NBPGR as unique germplasm in Hypericum  perforatum (INGR 10074, INGR 10075 & INGR 10076), Valeriana jatamansi ( INGR 11036) and Malaxis acuminata (INGR 18043).
  • In Gloriosa superba (Glory Lilly), developed technology for enhancing seed yield through pollination management.
  • Successful introduction and domestication of Swertia chirayita-A high value critically endangered medicinal plant. Life cycle & reproductive biology studies conducted and critical morphological feature for its correct identification identified.
  • The breeding systems have been determined for Gentiana kurroo, Picrorhiza kurrooa, Nardostachys grandiflora, Gloriosa superba, Hypericum perforatum and Valeriana jatamansi, which shall prove useful in taking up hybridization work in these species.
  • Methods for isolation of and estimation of bitter principles (amarogentin & amaroswerin) from Swertia chirayita, hypericin from Hypericum perforatum, valepotriates (valtrate, ace-valtrate, didrovaltrate, IVHD valtrate) from Valeriana jatamansi, podophyllotoxin from Podophyllum hexandrum, L-Dopa from Mucuna sp, etc. have been standardized.
  • Developed a validated HPLC method for simultaneous estimation of amarogentin, amaroswerin and andrographolide in the drug traded as “chirayata”.
  • Developed a simple & quick spot test for testing the quality of drug Indian Valerian (Valeriana jatamansi)
  • Developed agro-technology & nursery raising techniques of 32 important medicinal and aromatic plants viz: Digitalis lanata, Dioscorea deltoidea, Solanum laciniatum, Matricaria chamomilla, Salvia sclarea, Glaucium flavum, Fagopyrum , Valeriana jatamansi, Heracleum candicans, Rosmarinus officinalis, Mentha piperita, Hypericum perforatum, Ocimum spp., Hyoscyamus niger, Withania somnifera, Lepidium sativum, Swertia chirayita, Hypericum perforatum, Echnecia purpurea, Angelica glauca, Tagetes minuta, Stevia rebaudiana, Rheum australe, Picrorhiza kurroa etc.
  • Standardized Borehole method for extraction of oleoresin from Chir Pine ( Pinus roxburgii).
  • Technology for extraction of Katha and Cutch from Acacia catechu has been standardized.
  • Evaluation studies carried out for biopreservatives treated wood of lesser known wood species viz Pinus roxburghii, Bombax ceiba, Melia azederach, Toona ciliata by using plant extracts of Acorus calamus, Parthenium hysterophorus, Lantana camara, Azadiractha indica etc
  • Developed forestry herbarium having 12000 voucher specimens covering 2300 species belonging to 175 families . A museum of official parts of different medicinal & aromatic plants like entire plants, roots, bulbs, tubers, rhizomes, barks, flowers, fruits seeds, is also maintained in the herbarium.

Extension Activities


  • Eight trainings programmes sponsored by different funding agencies has been organised by the Department in which more than 200 participants have participated.
  • More than 100 exposure visits have been conducted in which more than 500 farmers have been participated.
  • Students from different Agriculture Universities, farmers from different regions of the state, neighbouring states forest officials, ADO’s, HDO’s, CRPF jawans and various stake holders visited the Herbarium.
  • Five Kisan Melas, Eleven Exhibitions, two Kisan Goshthis,Ten demonstrations and a number of farmer scientists interactions have been organised.
  • The faculty of the department has delivered more than 300 lectures/ 3 TV/Radio talks focusing on cultivation, processing and value addition of different forest produce.


  • Dr. Meenu Sood (Professor and Head) has been awarded with Best Presentation award in Crop Production session during XXVI Group meeting of the AICRP on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Betelvine held at AAU, Jorhat-Assam w.e.f September 28-30, 2018.
  • Dr. Yash Pal Sharma (Principal Scientist) has been awarded Best Presentation award in Phytochemistry and Crop Improvement session during XXVI Group meeting of the AICRP on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Betelvine held at AAU, Jorhat- Assam September 28-30, 2018.
  • Dr. Yash Pal Sharma has received Certificate of Appreciation in June, 2019 from Vice Chancellor, YSPUHF Nauni, Solan for outstanding contribution in Medicinal & Aromatic Plants.
  • Dr Yashpal Sharma awarded Certificate of Appreciation for developing a novel quick spot test for determination of quality of Indian Valerian drug on the basis of presence of valepotriates’ during XXV Group Meeting of AICRP on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants held at Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology Udaipur, Rajasthan w.e.f. November 11-14, 2017.
  • Dr Rohit Sharma Assistant Professor in the department was awarded SERB-SIRE Fellowship (SERB, DST, 2022).
  • Dr Rohit Sharma Assistant Professor in the department was awarded Marie Curie Seal of excellence (European Union, 2020).