The department of Fruit Science has its origin in the erstwhile Department of Horticulture in the Himachal Agricultural College and Research Institute. In 1976, the department was named as Department of Pomology and Fruit Technology when a separate department of Vegetable Crops and Floriculture were carved out of it. After the establishment of Dr Y S Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, the Department of Pomology and Fruit Technology was re-organized and separate departments of Fruit Breeding & Genetic Resources and Post Harvest Technology were carved out and the parent department was named as the Department of Fruit Culture and Orchard Management later on re-named as Department of Pomology. As per ICAR nomenclature it has been named now as Department of Fruit Science.
Recently the department has been strengthened with the merger of department of Fruit Breeding and Genetic Resources into it. Ever since its establishment, the Department has provided inspiring leadership in the overall development of horticultural technologies that led Himachal Pradesh to acquire the status of ‘Apple State’ of India. This department is actively engaged in the teaching, research and extension education activities on various aspects related to orchard planning, management and production of fruit crops in the State.
Department has published more than 450 research papers in leading national and international journals, 24 books, 45 book chapters, 17 technical bulletins, and over 1225 popular articles for technology dissemination to farmers and entrepreneurs in last 20 years. Department since its inception has been able to generate useful human resources for the country in the form of 324 M.Sc. and 132 Ph.D. students.
The department offers degree programmes for: