Academic Evaluation
The evaluation of student’s achievement in a course is based on performance in i) written tests, ii) practical, and iii) special assignments. The relative weightage given to various tests are determined by the instructor in consultation with the Head of the Department. The University adopted the guidelines of the III Deans’ Committee of the ICAR for external evaluation at undergraduate level with effect from the academic year 1998-99 and 50 per cent marks in each course were earmarked for external evaluation, both in theory and practical examinations. However, from 2000-01 academic session, 50 per cent external evaluation in practical examinations was dispensed with because of problems experienced in the conducting of practical examinations through external examiners. At present, external evaluation is confined to theory examinations. Two written tests are essential for evaluation of a course, namely mid-term examination (internal) and end-term examination (external). The guidelines of the V Deans’ Committee of the ICAR were adopted in the academic session of 2017-18 onwards.
a) Mid-term Examination
In each course, a written test lasting for at least one hour is given during the tenth or eleventh week of the semester as per the academic calendar. Under the external system of evaluation, the mid-term examination is conducted by the Dean as a common examination.
b) End-of-term Examination
The End-of-term examination is conducted towards the end of the semester in each course that lasts for at least two hours and covers the entire subject matter of the course. The examination is conducted by the Dean as a combined examination for all the degree programmes of the college as per the academic calendar. The paper setting f end-of-term examination is done by the external examiner.
Postgraduate Students
a) Course evaluation
The procedure for course evaluation of M.Sc. and Ph.D. students is the same as for undergraduate students. However, the system of evaluation is internal and the students are evaluated in each course for 100 marks internally.
For the award of M Sc and Ph D degree, a student has to deliver/ present one and two seminars, respectively, of one credit hour each, which are evaluated by the seminar in-charge with the help of 3-4 other senior faculty members.
b) Comprehensive examination evaluation
The Ph.D. students have to pass a comprehensive examination, after completing 75 per cent of prescribed theory load, which comprises written and oral examination. The written comprehensive examination consists of two papers, one each in the major and minor subjects, to be evaluated internally and the student has to secure at least 60 per cent marks in each paper for clearing the test. The oral comprehensive examination is conducted by an External Examiner who is invited from other institution/university, along with the members of the advisory committee of the student.
c) Thesis evaluation
The postgraduate student is required to give colloquium before the submission of thesis, and the thesis is evaluated by external examiner. In the case of M.Sc. degree, the thesis is evaluated by one external examiner and the same external examiner is invited to conduct the final viva-voce examination along with the advisory committee of the student. In the case of Ph.D. degree, copies of the thesis are sent to two external examiners for evaluation and one of them is invited to conduct the final viva-voce examination along with the advisory committee of the student.